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The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161  | Barnett Dembek Architects.




6490 – 194 St. | Surrey, Bc.

Project StatusCompleted
DEVELOPER COMPANYH.J. Property Investments Ltd.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
Group 161 , Barnett Dembek Architects | “Waterstone” Residential

Group 161, Barnett Dembek Architects | Waterstone, Residential Development | Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

The ‘Gemini” development is a residential, frame-wood project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects




15336 – 17A Ave. | Surrey, Bc.

Project StatusCompleted
DEVELOPER COMPANYH.J. Property Investments Ltd.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
Group 161 , Barnett Dembek Architects | “Gemini” Residential

Group 161, Barnett Dembek Architects | Gemini, Residential Development | Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

The ‘Blume” development is a residential, townhouse, frame-wood project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects




14377 – 60 Ave. | Surrey, BC.

Project StatusCompleted
DEVELOPER COMPANYH.J. Property Investments Ltd.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
Group 161 , Barnett Dembek Architects | “Blume” Residential

Group 161, Barnett Dembek Architects | Blume, Residential Development | Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

The “Morgan Creek” development is a residential, frame-wood townhouse in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects

Morgan Creek


Morgan Creek

15715 – 34 Ave. | Surrey, BC.

Project StatusCompleted
DEVELOPER COMPANYH.J. Property Investments Ltd.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
Group 161 , Barnett Dembek Architects | “Morgan Creek” Residential

Group 161, Barnett Dembek Architects | Morgan Creek, Residential Development | Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

The “7500 Scott Rd” development is a commercial project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects

7500 Scott rd


7500 Scott Rd

7500 – 120 St. | Surrey, BC.

Project StatusCompleted
DEVELOPER COMPANYH.J. Property Investments Ltd.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
Group 161 , Barnett Dembek Architects | “7500 Scott rd” Commercial

Group 161, Barnett Dembek Architects | 7500 Scott Rd, Commercial Development | Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

The “Guildford” development is a commercial project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects




10172 – 152A St. | Surrey, BC.

Project StatusCompleted
DEVELOPER COMPANYH.J. Property Investments Ltd.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
The ‘Waterstone” development is a residential, wood frame low-rise project in Surrey. Design by Group 161 | Barnett Dembek Architects.
Group 161 , Barnett Dembek Architects | “Guildford” Commercial

Group 161, Barnett Dembek Architects | Guildford, Commercial Development | Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.